Keeping Up With The SMACKANISTAS: Meet KJ

If you didn’t catch the press release on Endurance Sportswire earlier this week, it’s time you got to know our latest addition to the SMACKANISTAS–Karen Jayne Greenwood, AKA KJ.

KJ, who is currently based in Minneapolis, MN (and probably freezing her @$$ off), joins SMACK! Media after heading the Public Relations for Life Time Fitness, moving the healthy way of life company from a reactive organization focused on one-off initiatives to a highly-strategic, proactive external communications powerhouse.

A true PR Maven with a decade of experience, we are thrilled to add her to the SMACKANISTA Team! Not only is KJ experienced, motivated and brilliant, but she also has the personality, enthusiasm, sense of humor and athletic ability that makes her the perfect fit for SMACK! Media.

Here are 10 things you need to know about KJ:

1. How excited are you to join SMACK! Media?

Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah’s couch excited! (We are contemplating editing this based on how Oprah’s Lance Amrstrong interview goes.)

2. How do you stay warm in the Minnesota winter (it is currently 14 degrees)?

Layers of clothing, hot chocolate and the heat cranked on high.
3. What can we do to get you out to San Diego (SMACK! Media Headquarters)?

Pack my boxes up for me!
4. If you could only eat one food it would be?

Tie between cheese pizza and french fries.

5. Your thoughts on being introduced to Nuun Hydration?

There are currently six tubes of Nuun in my handbag. Since Citrus Fruit entered my life, my water consumption has increased 400% and Pepsico’s stock (Dr. Pepper lover) has probably plummeted. (Please note that we have research to back up that Nuun is a healthy addiction and there is no risk of OD’ing.)
6. Your first impression of the SMACKANISTAS at TRE?

This really will be just like college.

7. Your thoughts on working with a team of all women?

I never really thought about it. But what a fun, ambitious group of ladies.

8. Anything you want to add about joining SMACK! Media?

I love my clients already and cannot wait to help them achieve their 2013 goals.

9. Favorite Race?

Fargo Marathon. It’s a jolly good time.

10. Sport focus for 2013 (ex Marathons, Triathlons, Couch surfing)?

New York Marathon, Nike Women’s Marathon, Hood to Coast are must dos. Perhaps a Ragnar. Perfect my Baywatch beach trot.