Life Happens Outside.20140502232059
Life Happens Outside.
SMACK! MediaMay 2, 20141500, 5K, A Sweet and Savory Life,, Beaming, Birthday, Fara Rosenzweig, Instagram, Julia Polloreno, La Jolla Half, La Paloma Thater, Marc Pro, Marge Perry, Mt. Whitney, Muscle and Fitness, NBA PLayoffs, NY GIants, Nytro, Nytro Industry Ride, Outside, Patty Mills, personal bests, photo shoot, PUMA, Race, Sarah Stanley, SHEEX Ambassador, Steve Weatherford, Track, Training, Triathlete, USA Rowing0 comments
Life doesn’t happen from behind a desk. Relationships, health, experiences and often the best work all happen when we step outside. This week th...
Say Hello to Betty!20120907153437
Say Hello to Betty!
SMACK! MediaSeptember 7, 2012Betty, Betty Designs, Cycling, Cycling Kits, Heather Jackson, Kristin Mayer, Michellie Jones, Nytro, Nytro Women's Triathlon Team, Tri, Tri Kits, Zoot Sports, Zoot Sports Ultra Triathlon Team0 comments
We are excited to SMACK! Betty Designs ( and welcome the line of bold, unconventional and sexy cycling, triathlon and swim appa...