Embrace the JOMO over the FOMO20190807180807
Embrace the JOMO over the FOMO
How to Rediscover More Joy and Fear Less. We all do it. Our phones ring, our phones chime, our Apple watches vibrate and we jump to get the latest new...
I Realized How Addicted I Was, & You Will Too: Disconnect To Reconnect20160128172216
I Realized How Addicted I Was, & You Will Too: Disconnect To Reconnect
SMACK! MediaJanuary 28, 2016Elephant Journal, Facebook, Instagram, iPhone, screen free, Social Media, social media addiction, twitter, Unplug0 comments
It was a tough challenge, and difficult to do, but we did it. My husband and I put down the phones, we communicated more, we used our senses to take i...